Pediatric and Congenital Cardiac Surgery
Pediatric and Congenital Cardiac Surgery Unit
Headquarters: “Centro Vincenzo Gallucci” – Azienda Ospedaliera di Padova
Director: Prof Vladimiro Vida
Secretary: Sonia Panepinto, 0498212427, cardiochirurgia.peditarica@aopd.veneto.it
Education: Lara Salviato, 0498212410, lara.salviato@unipd.it
Assistance: Sonia Panepinto, 0498212427, cardiochirurgia.peditarica@aopd.veneto.it
Type of care activity: clinical and surgical management of patients with congenital heart disease, in pediatric and developmental age
Main surgical technologies / approaches: Early correction of congenital heart disease, mechanical assistance to the circulation in terminal heart failure, minimally invasive correction of congenital heart disease
Italian and / or foreign quality certification: see AOPD.
Pathologies of interest: decellularized valves; Evaluation of biochemical markers of neurological and pulmonary damage during extracorporeal circulation and clinical correlations; 3D printing and operative planning; European registry of anomalies of origin of coronary arteries from the aorta; management of congenital heart disease patients in developmental and adult age; univentricular hearts; preservation of the pulmonary valve in TOF; minimally invasive approaches for the treatment of congenital heart disease; mechanical assistance to the circulation in children.
Methods: Retrospective clinical studies, prospective clinical studies, experimental studies with mouse models, national and international multicenter studies.
Italian and / or foreign quality certification: Not applicable
Main national and international collaborations: Collaboration with the European Congenital Heart Surgeons Association (ECHSA); European AAOCA Registry; EU studies funded with University of Hannover, Germany.
1. II level Master "clinical risk management" ay 2019/2020 (ongoing)
2. II level Master "clinical risk management" AY 2020/2021 (in the process of being activated)
3. First Level Master "Diagnosis and management of congenital heart disease in pediatric and developmental age", AY 2020/2021 (in the process of being activated)
4. PhD in Cardiovascular Sciences 5. School of specialization in Cardiac Surgery, Pediatric Surgery and Pediatrics
6. Degree Course in Medicine and Surgery
7. Degree Course in Nursing Sciences
EDUCATIONAL SPACES “P.G. Cevese Library” at “V. Gallucci Center “
LABORATORIES (specify if there is a manager, where they are and a telephone number): Experimental surgery laboratory (Dr Arben Dedja)