LOTUS-19 - Spagnolo

TIPOLOGIA: Progetto di ricerca

TITOLO: LOTUS-19 - Long-term pulmOnary ouTcomes of sUbjectS hospitalized for COVID-19 pneumonia

COORDINATORE: Prof. Paolo Spagnolo, UOC PNEUMOLOGIA, Dip.to Scienze Cardio-Toraco-Vascolari e Sanità Pubblica 

PARTECIPANTI DEL DIPARTIMENTO: Dr. Elisabetta Balestro; Prof. Simonetta Baraldo; Dr. Erica Bazzan; Dr. Nicol Bernardinello; Dr. Davide Biondini; Dr. Elisabetta Cocconcelli; Prof. Dario Gregori; Prof. Marina Saetta.

COLLABORATORI ESTERNI: Azienda Ospedaliera di Padova, U.O.C. di Malattie Infettive e Tropicali (Dr.ssa A. Cattelan); AULSS 5 Polesana (Rovigo), U.O.C. di Pneumologia (Dr. G.L. Casoni); Ospedale di Treviso ULSS 2, U.O.C. di Pneumologia (Dr.ssa M. Romagnoli); Azienda Ospedaliero-Universitaria di Parma, U.O.C. Scienze radiologiche (N. Sverzellati) 


About 20% of people with covid-19 become seriously ill and almost all covid-19-related serious consequences feature pneumonia. The long-term sequelae of covid-19 pneumonia are unknown. We hypothesized that a proportion of individuals hospitalized for covid-19 pneumonia will be left with damaged lungs, namely with pulmonary fibrosis (lung scars), with or without impaired lung function.


The study will enroll patients aged 16-85 years hospitalized for covid-19 pneumonia, with the exception of those with pre-existing interstitial pneumonia (who will follow a separate follow-up) and those unwilling to take part to the study. All subjects, irrespective of disease severity at baseline, will undergo a thorough physical examination, functional evaluation (spirometry and measurement of the lung volumes and diffusing capacity of the lung for carbon monoxide [DLCO]), and conventional chest radiography. If either radiographic or functional (forced vital capacity [FVC] <80% of the predicted value or DLCO <70% of the predicted value) abnormalities will be found, subjects will undergo chest HRCT.


Spagnolo P, Balestro E, Aliberti S, Cocconcelli E, Biondini D, Casa GD, Sverzellati N, Maher TM. Pulmonary Fibrosis Secondary to COVID-19: A Call to Arms? 2020 May 15;S2213-2600(20)30222-8. doi: 10.1016/S2213-2600(20)30222-8. Online ahead of print.

CONTATTI: Prof. PAOLO SPAGNOLO (paolo.spagnolo@unipd.it)